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CR News New Computer Arrives!
Posted byWarstrider on Tuesday, January 01 @ 11:03:01 CST
Contributed by Warstrider

After a LONG wait, my new computer has finally arrived. For the first time since my 8088, I bought a pre-built system. I expected it to be different, but the serprises started right away. Its around 30% bigger than my last computer (which wasn't small), and weights 54.6 pounds. Wow.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6

Update! The inside shots that SilverRaven requested.



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Re: New Computer Arrives! (Score: 1)
by SilverRaven (silverravencoyote@comcast.net) on Thursday, January 03 @ 19:23:29 CST
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Ok, enough with the pictures, what's under the hood?

Re: New Computer Arrives! (Score: 1)
by SilverRaven (silverravencoyote@comcast.net) on Tuesday, January 08 @ 22:09:20 CST
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Actually that is your heat sink, the processor is still about 1" each edge. They just have HUGE heat sinks on them.

Although I'm shocked that the air flow cover (your XPS cover) is so small on this box. The 5 Quad Core dell precision workstations that I have @ work have a fan cover that go from front to back of the machine for a single processor.

Maybe they found something more efficient.

So what are the specs of the machine?

Re: New Computer Arrives! (Score: 1)
by Warstrider on Thursday, January 10 @ 12:56:27 CST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.DarkStride.com
Its a quad processor, 2.4 ghz. Its got 2 gig of 800mhz overclocked memory. A raptor 10k rpm 160gig hard drive. A nVidea 768 meg video card, 8700 series. Thats all the important stuff I can think of...

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