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Posted by Warstrider on Saturday, June 18 @ 19:29:34 CDT (16547 reads)
Garden of War has had an amazing run on
Kongregate! This week it passed the 100,000 hits mark, an amazing milestone. While the financial end has been far from successful, the popularity of the game is a huge releif. There have been many calls for a sequal, and many good ideas for enhancements.
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MindJolt Accepts Orbital Bombardment!
Posted by Warstrider on Friday, May 27 @ 13:23:35 CDT (17428 reads)
I am pleased to announce that MindJolt.com has accepted my Orbital Bombardment submission! On September 10th they will be releasing it through all of their media outlets.
I don't have any experiance with MindJolt, but they boast a pretty impressive buisness plan. On the surface they look like any other game portal (Kongregate, New Grounds...) in that they host flash games and give the developer 50% of the ad revenue. However they have a tight submission process that only accepts 1-2 games a day. If you look at how many flash games are actually released on the internet each day that is a very tight submission process. The thing that makes them unique is that they actively market the games instead of just throwing them out there. They limit their releases (hence the Sept 10th date) to make sure games get proper attention, and make full use of social media like Facebook and Twitter to give them a wide audiance.
You have to take allot on faith with MindJolt, when you submit your game you are giving it to them with no strings attached. No domain locks, no ads of your own, and you can't publish it anywhere else. That said the internet forums are full of some pretty amazing stories, and some pretty bad debocles. Allot of faith is required to toss them 6 months of development. Cross your fingers (and leave them crossed, i've got over 3 months to wait)!

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April Fools '11
Posted by Warstrider on Tuesday, February 15 @ 12:40:27 CST (10958 reads)
JCBanana has posted information about the next April Fools game! Follow the link below and start generating those characters!
Link to game information
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Posted by Warstrider on Saturday, February 12 @ 14:47:15 CST (6701 reads)
After much work and help from friends I have finished debugging "Lunar Shield", and decided that it needed a new name. Thanks to everyone for helping me choose "Orbital Bombardment". Below is the new promo picture I am using!
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Lunar Shield alpha release!
Posted by Warstrider on Thursday, November 18 @ 21:39:43 CST (6115 reads)
The alpha release of "Lunar Shield" is now complete! For those of you not familiar with alpha releases, it is a version that is still in testing and final development. This means that things change often and ther are bugs. Please post any feedback or bugs in the forums. Enjoy!
[Links removed, see article above]
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Great Sound Library
Posted by Warstrider on Sunday, October 31 @ 11:41:49 CDT (6810 reads)
I found a great sound library that i'm using for my new game and I wanted to share it. The quality is awesome and they even have some free content.
Royalty Free Music and Sound Effects Download the music and sound effects you need for your multimedia project today at Partners In Rhyme.
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Garden of War is Ready!
Posted by Warstrider on Saturday, October 17 @ 14:50:52 CDT (2023 reads)
Garden of War is almost complete, it's time to get feedback from you lot! The game is completely finished and there are no known bugs. So if you find something that isn't working, or if you have a sugestion for improvement please post it in the forums. And many thanks to Jarlaxle and Jillian for all their work!
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THWD Beta Release!
Posted by Warstrider on Saturday, February 14 @ 10:48:47 CST (1899 reads)
Total Hamster World Domination is now in beta status! I am doing a great deal of testing to get all the bugs ironed out and then i'll be releasing it to several high-profile internet game sites.
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New Flash Project
Posted by Warstrider on Sunday, October 12 @ 20:43:09 CDT (3195 reads)
I've begun work on my next game project, well actually its about 50% done. It is called "Total Hamster World Domination". Blame my creative team for that one. :) I don't want to go to much into the details but it is a turn based stratagy/puzzle game. More to come!

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Stellar Lanes goes gold!
Posted by Warstrider on Sunday, January 13 @ 10:30:15 CST (2062 reads)
Work on Stellar Lanes has officially stopped. The combat system has been overhauled, the galaxy generation now includes mulple zones, and the item generation system is light-years better than it was. I also spent close to two months doing nothing but bug fixes so its pretty darn stable. I'm moving on because I need a change, but I hope to go back at a later date and add more features do it.
Stellar Lanes v1.0.50 Windows Installer
Stellar Lanes Forums (Members Only)
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